Our Vision of a Graduate
The Vision of a Graduate, developed in 2019-20, defines our goals for each student to prepare for life.
Students learn factual, conceptual, and content based understandings across a variety of academic disciplines.
Through “knowledge” our graduates have the ability to transfer content knowledge to a variety of familiar and unfamiliar environments, situations, challenges, and an evolving sense of self and others, within a local and global context.
Students routinely think about their knowledge, skills, emotions, connections to others, and personal histories and apply their insights to future situations, endeavors and learning.
Through “reflection” our graduates use an evolving understanding of who they are, what they are capable of, how they can positively impact and fit into the lives of others-- ultimately taking control of and responsibility for satisfying intrinsic motivations to make a difference with their lives.
Students understand and value connecting with a diversity of people, environments, and perspectives.
Through “connections” our graduates embrace the capacity of individual and collective purpose and action to fully leverage their impact on the interconnected workings of life and the world.