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Transportation Request Form

Bus transportation shall be provided as follows: 
  • To all students enrolled at Frenchtown Elementary School;

  • To students enrolled at Meadowbrook Farms, Hanaford and Eldredge Elementary Schools living more than one (1) walking mile from their school;

  • To students enrolled at Cole Middle School living more than one and one-half (1 1/2) walking miles from their school;

  • To students enrolled at East Greenwich High School living more than one and three quarters (1 3/4) walking miles from their school.


SY 24-25 Transportation Request Form: Please complete this form for a new request or for a change in busing. 
The district transportation policy is available here
*** IF YOU NEED TO COMMUNICATE A CHANGE OF ADDRESS, Please contact Briana Santos in the district enrollment office at 398-1693 or  This office is located at 111 Peirce Street.