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Early Childhood Program at Meadowbrook Farms

2024-2025 Preschool Application can be found here

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a high quality early learning experience for all children that focuses on building a strong foundation for future learning and to foster intellectual, creative, social, emotional, and physical growth and development for our students. Our play based approach will provide an environment where the children can learn by doing and implement a balance of child-directed and teacher-guided activities as well as time for individual work and small and large group activities.


Program Description

The Early Childhood Program is a public preschool program located at Meadowbrook Farms Elementary (2 Chestnut Drive). Our program is an integrated preschool serving children with special needs and community peers from the town of East Greenwich.


What is an Integrated Preschool?

The East Greenwich school district offers integrated preschool classrooms to children between three and five years of age who require special education programming. Typically developing community peers are also enrolled in the preschool program to ensure strong and appropriate peer modeling. We value inclusion as the optimal method of teaching children with disabilities. Students with and without disabilities benefit from this philosophy, as the program provides a rich, language-based curriculum with a multi-sensory, developmental approach to teaching. 


Our Early Childhood Program offers:

  • AM sessions Monday through Thursday from 9:05AM to 11:35AM 

  • PM sessions Monday through Thursday from 12:45PM to 3:15PM 


Preschool Curriculum

Our early childhood curriculum is aligned with the Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards (RIELDS) and is designed by our teachers to provide classroom experiences to address:

  • Cognitive Development

  • Language Development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Physical Health and Motor Development

  • Science

  • Social and Emotional Development

  • Social Studies

During the day each child has the opportunity to explore learning centers in the classroom as well as participate in small and large group structured learning activities.


Family Engagement

Child development and achievement is enhanced when parents and teachers work together. Our program encourages parents to be involved in all aspects of their child's preschool experience and ongoing communication throughout the school year is essential. Parents are welcome to be part of Meadowbrook Farms Parent Teacher Group (PTG). Special events and parent involvement opportunities are planned throughout the school year. Once you sign up the PTG listserve you will receive a monthly newsletter throughout the school year.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the class size?

The maximum number of students per class is fifteen. Per state regulations, 51% of the students must be typically developing community peers for the classroom to be considered an integrated special education classroom. Accordingly, there are eight community peers and seven peers whose IEP (Individualized Education Program) deem a classroom placement necessary to meet education goals. 

Is there transportation?

Parents are responsible for transportation of community peers. Children who are identified as needing specialized education and have an IEP are eligible for bus transportation to and from school.   

Does my child need to be potty trained?

Community peers must be potty trained. A potty trained child is defined as a child who can consistently use the bathroom (including wiping) and manage clothing independently. 

Is there a cost for the program?

There is a charge for community peers as preschool placement is not regulatory in Rhode Island. The fee for 2024-2025 school year is $250 per month. Federal regulations require students with an IEP are serviced under FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education). 


READ: East Greenwich Early Childhood Program Handbook


Child Outreach Screening

It is recommended that children ages 3, 4 and 5 participate in an annual Child Outreach Screening. A screening is part of the application process for the preschool lottery. Learn more about Child Outreach and schedule your child's screening HERE.



For questions regarding admission or program specifics, please contact the Preschool Coordinator at